Post a found report:
We recommend to post a flier around the location you found the pet as well as an online found pet report with the cat's picture, location and description to increase its chances of being reunited with its owners. Here is a list of resources to post your Found Pet Report to: |
Before removing a cat from the area it was found:
Consider that some owners allow their cat outdoors on a regular basis. The cat you found may be a roaming owned cat. If the cat appears healthy and friendly, it likely that it has an owner and there's a good chance it will find its way back home on its own. Please keep in mind that The Cat Corner recognizes the dangers of letting cats roam freely outdoors and encourages pet parents to never let their cats outdoors without being safely inside an Outdoor Cat Enclosure or Catio. |
Surrendering a stray/found cat to The Cat Corner:
When space allows, The Cat Corner will take in domesticated cats for adoption and re-homing purposes. The Cat Corner will not be able to accept cats that are feral, aggressive, terminally ill or otherwise "unadoptable". We get requests for help daily so are often out of space and have a long list of people trying to surrender their pets. All animals that we take in must be pre-arranged. We do not accept any animals in directly into the shelter. |
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