In celebration of St Patrick's Day, The Cat Corner is selling shamrocks to help raise funds for the cats in our care. Each shamrock is $10 and will display your name and the shamrocks will be displayed throughout the shelter. This fundraiser is going on until the end of the month and you could win Cat Corner Swag that can be mailed directly to you!
Those that donate towards this fundraiser will be added to our drawing to win either the 1st place: Cat Corner Hoodie and 2nd place: Cat Corner shirt. Winners will be mailed their goodies directly to your provided mailing address. Due to shipping rates-- USA residents only please. Shamrocks can be purchased using the online donation form on this webpage. Thank you! Each $10 Shamrock is a chance entered to win during the drawing! So, $40 in Shamrocks would be 4 chances!
What are other ways to help?There are many ways to help the cats and kittens at The Cat Corner. Here are just a few:
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