![]() It's mid-April and the help requests are pouring in and kittens are being found daily outside on the streets. We get dozens of help requests EVERY day. We take in all the kittens we can, but once our foster homes are full we have to wait until we have more space to take in more. What is the solution to our cat overpopulation problem? TNR! Trap-neuter-return is the ONLY way to help minimize the abundance of kittens from being born on the streets with no where to go. This beautiful tuxedo momma has a wonderful shelter to raise her babies until they are old enough to wean and be put into foster care. Our TNR team went out this weekend and helped the caregiver get things set up for mom, and began the trapping process of the males in the area. The kittens will eventually be up for adoption and mom will get spayed. Meet the dad, Harley. Harley was neutered today and will be released back to his colony once he recovers from surgery. Getting neutered will help his aggression and he will no longer be Mr. Baby Maker. We also trapped a few other lucky kitties who will now live longer, healthier lives outdoors in their communities. Below are a few of them, two from the King Project. We would not be able to help these cats without the support from the community. If you would like to donate to our TNR program so we can continue doing this life-saving work, you can donate at the link below. Thank you!! https://donorbox.org/petraswishferalcatfund ~Kelly Longmire, TNR Coordinator |
Copyright 2014